Get Quote
Query Parameters
Base58-encoded input mint address
Base58-encoded output mint address
Input amount as a scaled integer. For example, 1 SOL is 1000000000.
x > 0
Max allowed slippage % in basis points
x > 0
Comma-separated list of DEXes to include. If not specified, all DEXes will be included.
Comma-separated list of DEXes to exclude. If not specified, all DEXes will be included.
Optional platform fee in basis points. This is taken out of the output of the swap.
x > 0
If true, only use single-leg routes
Maximum input amount as a scaled integer. For example, 1 SOL is 1000000000.
Base58-encoded input mint address
Same as other_amount_threshold
Minimum output amount after all fees as a scaled integer. If the swap transaction doesn't produce at least this amount of the output token, the transaction will fail.
Expected output amount after all fees as a scaled integer. For example, 1 SOL is 1000000000.
Base58-encoded output mint address
Price impact of the swap. This is an estimate of the percentage difference between the expected price for the swap and the price for the same swap with the smallest input amount possible. For example, "0.01" means 1% price impact.
Route that the swap will take
Max allowed slippage % in basis points
x > 0
Platform fee that was applied to the quote, if any