Get Intent Quote
Query Parameters
Base58-encoded address of the swapper's wallet. If specified, the response will include a transaction allowing the user to submit the intent.
Base58-encoded input mint address
Base58-encoded output mint address
Input amount as a scaled integer. For example, 1 SOL is 1000000000.
x > 0
Max allowed slippage % in basis points
x > 0
Optional platform fee in basis points. This is taken out of the output of the swap.
x > 0
Optional segmenter fee in percent. This is taken out of the improvement in output quantity if the swap is routed through conditional liquidity.
x > 0
Base58-encoded address of the token account that will receive the platform fee if a platform
fee applies to the swap. If specified, (1) this account's mint must match the output mint
for the swap, (2) the account must be initialized before the swap is executed, and (3) the
account must be derived using the seeds ["referral_ata", referral_account, mint]
and the
Referral program ID REFER4ZgmyYx9c6He5XfaTMiGfdLwRnkV4RPp9t9iF3
Base58-encoded address of the referral account associated with the fee account. If
specified, the intent opening transaction will create the fee_account
if it doesn't
already exist. The user pays for the creation of the fee account. Ignored if fee_account
is unspecified.
If false, the intent will use wrapped SOL
Maximum amount that the user is willing to pay to have the intent processed in lamports. This includes all transaction fees and tips for the open transaction and all transaction fees and tips for the fill and close transactions. If unspecified, the server will determine the fee budget.
x > 0
Maximum amount that the user is willing to pay to have the intent processed in lamports. This includes all transaction fees and tips for the open transaction and all transaction fees and tips for the fill and close transactions.
x > 0
Maximum input amount as a scaled integer. For example, 1 SOL is 1000000000.
Base58-encoded input mint address
Same as other_amount_threshold
Minimum output amount after all fees as a scaled integer. If the swap transaction doesn't produce at least this amount of the output token, the transaction will fail.
Expected output amount after all fees as a scaled integer. For example, 1 SOL is 1000000000.
Base58-encoded output mint address
Price impact of the swap. This is an estimate of the percentage difference between the expected price for the swap and the price for the same swap with the smallest input amount possible. For example, "0.01" means 1% price impact.
Max allowed slippage % in basis points
x > 0
The expiry of the intent. After expiry, the intent cannot be filled and can only be closed. Specified if and only if the request included the user's public key.
The last block height at which the blockhash assigned to the open transaction is valid. Useful to determine whether the open transaction has expired. Specified if and only if the request included the user's public key.
x > 0
Base64-encoded intent opening transaction. The user must sign before sending it via the swap endpoint. Specified if and only if the request included the user's public key.
Platform fee that was applied to the quote, if any